Steve Wozniak:The Creator of the Macintosh Answers Your Questions

Steve Wozniak answers fan mail directly on his outdated but complete and unique

Honestly, this guy is amazing...He'll even test out that new app you just developed. Jump over to his personal website:

Over all time, I don't mind if I'm not credited with Apple's business success. But I do not want people to think that I wasn't the sole designer of the early computers, nor do I want them to miss my different approaches to these early computers.

What is Google Chrome?

Wondering what Google Chrome is? The computing genius's at Google, made history this week with the launch of their first browser. The new browser takes on Microsoft's new Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari (Apple's Browser), and all other browsers on the market.

This browser is a giant step towards Cloud computing and should scare the crap out of the competition. In this video the design team explains the concepts and development process behind this revolutionary open sourced browser.

Bill Gates Best Bits

Recently, Wired Magazine put together a decent clip show of Bill Gates best moments. Obviously- its just two minutes of Gates looking ridicules.