Mark Cuban

People often have a lot of negative things to say about Mark Cuban but after reading his blog, my respect for the man has grown leaps and bounds.

Here's an insightful and recent post from Cuban:
No matter what year you were born, by the time you finish high school, its a completely different world. Today's high school seniors were born prior to the World Wide Web, wireless internet, digital phones, and changes in world politics that were never imagined.

Compare the technology, political, social world we live in today, and you realize quickly. None of us are born in to the world we live in...

Eric Schmidt Interview with Conde Nast's Portfolio

Eric Schmidt is the great CEO of "The Google." First, read Conde Nast's Portfolio it's a great magazine and second, enjoy this half hour interview:

Did Apple base their Marketing Strategy on Star Wars?

Here you will find the core team of Apple employees who marketed and launched the Macintosh in 1983. This video is long but informative and worth viewing. You will find unique perspectives on the launch of the Mac 20 years later and interesting facts that may surprise you.

Did you know that Steve Jobs requires a piano in every hotel room he visits, despite the fact he does not play piano?

Additional note: The Person from painfully introduces the speakers from feel free to skip ahead. Additionally, if you enjoy the video you should visit