Amazon Founder: Jeff Bezos was one of the few companies that survived the bubble burst. Amazon survived because they had a solid business model and adapted to changes in the marketplace. The reason for their survival and continued success is often credited to founder, Jeff Bezos.

For You Fans

Here's a great interview with director Jehane Noujaim, Chris Hegedus and former CEO of; Kaleil Isaza Tuzman. was released in 2001 on the heals of the bursting .COM bubble. The movie wasn't exactly a hit, but received critical acclaim and appealed to certain audiences. succeeds at connecting with entrepreneurs, Wall Street, and the Business World due to its real life portrayal of Kaleil Isaza Tuzman and partners as they launched

Unlike many documentaries, Kaleil, his partners (especially Tom) connect with the audience and its hard not to feel the highs and lows these real entrepreneurs experience. The tagline for the movie is, "The Rise and Fall of the American Dream" which is relevant and obvious as the story plays out.

The amazing part about is that the business they are trying to start should have worked. In my opinion failed due to over funding due unrealistic expectations of growth and profitability by overzealous Venture Capitalists.

Sergey and Larry again...Another Great Talk w. the Google Founders

These guys are incredibly brilliant and they hire brilliant people (a powerful combination). Take a minute and see inside Google w. Sergey Brin and Larry Page. (Filmed in 2007)

Recomended Viewing- Add This to Your Cue.

Remember what the internet bubble was like from the inside? No? Yeah, well neither do I. So, it's a good thing this documentary was made- Rent (you'll love it).

Carl Icahn-From Hated to Loved on Wall Street

Carl Icahn is an interesting man to say the least. And after buying a stake in Blockbuster some may think is out of his mind. They may be right...but enjoy this behind the scenes look at Icahn's motivation behind the deals he makes every day.

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John Kanzius- The Greatest Unknown Business Man Who May Have Cured Cancer

This man is amazing. That's all I can say- absolutely amazing.

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Dean Kamen invented the Segway...but he invented useful products too.

Dean Kamen is a revolutionary thinker, successful entrepreneur and an amazing inventor. Check out more about this fascinating entrepreneur and see how he's planning on solving some of the world's biggest problems.

One of the Many Reasons CNBC is on my TV all Day Long

Cramer speaks the truth- Watch through the first few seconds it gets better. Especially at 1:30.

(This video should be required viewing in every b-school classroom) Steve Jobs Launches the "1984 Commercial" in 1983

In 1983, the future of Apple was widely uncertain. See a younger, more arrogant, and passionate Steve Jobs as he previews the Mac Superbowl Commercial for Employees. Due to Apple's current standing in the Consumer World, this video has a significant historical relevance and offers a fascinating glimpse of the past.

Hilarious: Bill Gates Last Day @ Microsoft.

It's cool that someone as important as Bill Gates was willing to spoof himself in this celebrity ridden satire (first shown to Guests at the CES 2008 Conference). You'll be surprised to see him playing with Star Wars figures and rapping to "Big Pimping" w/ Jay Z.

Jack Welch...A Great CEO w/ Great Advice

Jack Welch rose to super stardom in the business world as CEO of General Electric. The interview, conducted by Charlie Rose after the launch of another best seller, "Winning" is filled with good advice and stories from his career.

Apple Bloopers: It happens to everyone

So, You're launching your new product in front of a crowd of customers and television cameras, and suddenly something goes wrong... Well you're not the only one- watch as Steve Jobs and other Mac employees get flustered from "technical difficulties" during rather important live presentations.

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Steve Wozniak - Talks About the Movie Pirates of Silicon Valley

Steve Wozniak is 50% of the reason Apple Computers exists. In the nineties- a made for TV movie called the Pirates of Silicon Valley was released with major fanfare in the Business and Computer World. The movie which is excellent (to say the least) tells the behind the scenes story of Apple and Microsoft in their early years.

In this video, Woz is asked if the movie actually told the true story. The surprising answer: YES (for the most part)

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Warren Buffet 88 Minutes of Simple Genius

Warren Buffet offers his invaluable advice on personal success, business, and enjoyment of life. This is an amazing speech and worth watching. Feel free to fast forward a minute to skip his introduction. This was filmed at the University of Florida a few years ago but the date is irrelevant because his advice transcends generations.

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