Bill Gates Confidential Email from Antitrust Case Leaked

On April 30th, 2003 the Microsoft Staff got word of Steve Jobs new venture iTunes. This caught Microsoft completely by surprise- which is obvious in top execs emails. Microsoft decided they needed to jump into the music/entertainment game and fast. They were going to try and scrap something together in four weeks.

Here's a Transcript from Bill Gates Email to Staff: (Obtained as Evidence in the Microsoft Antitrust Case)

Subject: Apple's Jobs Again...And time to have a great Windows Download Service...

Steve Jobs ability to focus in on a few things that count, get people who get user interface right and market things as revolutionary are amazing things.

This time somehow he has applied his talents in getting a better licensing deal than anyone else has gotten for music.

This is very strange to me. The music companies own operations offer a service that is truly unfriendly to the user and has been reviewed that way consistently.

Somehow they give Apple the ability to do something pretty good.

I remember discussing EMusic and us saying that model was better than subscription because you would know what you are getting.

With the subscription who can promise you that the cool new stuff you want (or old stuff) will be there?

I am not saying this strangeness means we messed up - at least if we did so did Real and Pressplay and Musicnet and basically everyone else.

Now that Jobs has done it we need to move fast to get somethlng where the UI and Rights are as good.

I am not sure whether we should do this through one of these JVs or not, I am not sure
what the problems are. However I think we need some plan to prove that even though Jobs has us a bit flat footed again we move quick and both match and do stuff better.

I’m sure people have a lot of thoughts on this. If the plan is clear no meeting is needed. I want to make sure we are coordinated between Windows DMD, MSN and other groups.

Here's the complete transcript- from

Theres a great follow up email after-Check that out too.

Thanks & Enjoy.

Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld Commercial (Long Version)

Microsoft was criticized for choosing Seinfeld for their new ad. I too thought this was a poor choice especially against all the other celebs they could have had- until I watched this.

In my opinion these ads have turned out great. I enjoy watching Seinfeld and Gates together...they seem to have good on screen chemistry and the jokes work.


Steve Jobs on the Problem w/ Microsoft

Here are Steve Job's thoughts on Microsoft and Steve Ballmers reaction from the early 90's.

Here's Steve Job's Thoughts:

"The only problem with Microsoft is they just have no taste. They have absolutely no taste. What that means is...I don't mean that in a small way I mean that in a big way. In the sense that, they don't think of original ideas, and they don't bring much culture into their products."


Lehman Brothers to File for Bankruptcy

This is bad. Lehman Brothers is not getting the Government bailout many on the Street were hoping for. This could have disastrous consequences for America's Economy. I do not believe that America is headed for another Depression but I'm just thinking... Remember Jim Cramer's "Stop Trading" angry rant? Well, Erin Burnett tried to calm him down (he seemed a little crazy) his anger and fear for what would happen to the Financial's without further Fed help seem even more legitimate today.

Monday morning will be a little crazy and I'm sure few on Wall Street are sleeping tonight.

Enjoy Once Again as Jim Cramer, Takes Out Some Anger on the Fed-Live on TV.

Steve Wozniak:The Creator of the Macintosh Answers Your Questions

Steve Wozniak answers fan mail directly on his outdated but complete and unique

Honestly, this guy is amazing...He'll even test out that new app you just developed. Jump over to his personal website:

Over all time, I don't mind if I'm not credited with Apple's business success. But I do not want people to think that I wasn't the sole designer of the early computers, nor do I want them to miss my different approaches to these early computers.

What is Google Chrome?

Wondering what Google Chrome is? The computing genius's at Google, made history this week with the launch of their first browser. The new browser takes on Microsoft's new Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari (Apple's Browser), and all other browsers on the market.

This browser is a giant step towards Cloud computing and should scare the crap out of the competition. In this video the design team explains the concepts and development process behind this revolutionary open sourced browser.

Bill Gates Best Bits

Recently, Wired Magazine put together a decent clip show of Bill Gates best moments. Obviously- its just two minutes of Gates looking ridicules.

Mark Cuban

People often have a lot of negative things to say about Mark Cuban but after reading his blog, my respect for the man has grown leaps and bounds.

Here's an insightful and recent post from Cuban:
No matter what year you were born, by the time you finish high school, its a completely different world. Today's high school seniors were born prior to the World Wide Web, wireless internet, digital phones, and changes in world politics that were never imagined.

Compare the technology, political, social world we live in today, and you realize quickly. None of us are born in to the world we live in...

Eric Schmidt Interview with Conde Nast's Portfolio

Eric Schmidt is the great CEO of "The Google." First, read Conde Nast's Portfolio it's a great magazine and second, enjoy this half hour interview:

Did Apple base their Marketing Strategy on Star Wars?

Here you will find the core team of Apple employees who marketed and launched the Macintosh in 1983. This video is long but informative and worth viewing. You will find unique perspectives on the launch of the Mac 20 years later and interesting facts that may surprise you.

Did you know that Steve Jobs requires a piano in every hotel room he visits, despite the fact he does not play piano?

Additional note: The Person from painfully introduces the speakers from feel free to skip ahead. Additionally, if you enjoy the video you should visit

Ever Wondered What the Google Prototype Looked Like?

Google has gained massive popularity in recent years but it all started with a couple of grad students. After Venture Capitalists realized that two guys named; Larry Page and Sergey Brin solved the biggest issue facing the internet in the nineties; google was immediately funded.
Check out these links that show the Google search engine before it became a household name.

Live on the Big Screen- Warren Buffet I.O.U.S.A Trailer

Tonight, Warren Buffet, Pete Peterson & Dave Walker are appearing live on the big screen in movie theaters across the country. The financial experts plan to discuss the growing federal deficit and present the documentary; I.O.U.S.A.

Official Synopsis Via

'I.O.U.S.A.' is a documentary film exploring the rapidly growing federal debt and its implication for the United States and its citizens. America is faced with the challenges of an ever-expanding government and military, increased foreign competition, and obligations it is finding more and more difficult to honor. As the Baby Boomer generation prepares to retire and begin collecting benefits from America's over-extended entitlement programs, an economic disaster of epic proportions awaits. -

The message of I.O.U.S.A is simple and important: Unless immediate action is taken to slow ballooning deficit; We (Americans) will be in deep trouble. But I shouldn't limit this films importance to American's only and point out that it is common abroad to hear phrases such as, "When America Sneezes...We Catch a Cold." Implying the economic stability of America is directly related to the economic stability of developed and undeveloped countries around the world.